We understand the difference an international health insurance plan can make to your workforce. Our group insurance plans will give your employees comprehensive cover for their healthcare costs. Our plans are designed to encourage your employees to look after their health, with a range of preventive health benefits, informative health information and swift access to medical care. You’ll benefit from a healthy, motivated workforce, and our corporate Elite plans could help you attract and retain talent, who will value the investment you have made in their health and well-being.
With three plan types to choose from and a range of optional benefits, we can help you build a health plan to suit your business and your budget, with the flexibility to tailor plans for different categories of employees within groups.
We make it as easy as possible to get your corporate plan set up so that your employees can start to enjoy the benefits. If your company has 10+ employees and you require cover to include pre-existing conditions (Medical History Disregarded cover), you need only complete a single corporate application form.
Choose from our Elite Bronze, Silver and Gold plans to cover the healthcare needs of 3+ employees and you can choose to add cover for all of their dependents, too.
Our flexible healthcare cover is designed for businesses and groups with 3+ members based in Thailand, who wish to secure national and/or international coverage.
Cover | Bronze | Silver | Gold |
Maximum limit that can be claimed during any one |
Including follow-up (up to maximum of 90 days following discharge from hospital for with a Bronze plan).
Donor's costs are not covered. |
Medical costs associated with the donor as an in-patient. |
A surgical operation required to restore a covered person’s appearance after an accident, or after surgery for breast cancer, provided the original treatment for the accident or breast cancer surgery was covered by the policy and the surgery takes place within two years of the accident or the original breast cancer surgery. |
Fitted immediately following in-patient or emergency ward treatment. |
For accidental injury to natural teeth (within 15 days of the accident). |
For one parent (who is a covered person) to stay with the child, who is under 18 and insured, at the hospital. |
Payable for each night spent in a hospital when a covered person receives treatment, up to a maximum of 60 nights. |
Treatment, aimed at restoring form and/or function to the state it was in immediately before suffering an acute illness or injury, received immediately following in-patient treatment in a rehabilitation hospital or unit. A specialist’s referral letter for the rehabilitation treatment is required. |
The cost of test(s) to sequence the genes of cancer cells. |
Cancers such as breast cancer, bowel cancer, lung cancer, bowel cancer & cancers of the blood (also known as leukaemia). The following are not covered:
There is a lifetime limit of one claim per covered person. |
Treatment, excluding any prescribed drugs, received by a registered psychologist or counsellor when the covered person is first diagnosed with cancer (up to a maximum of 10 consultations). |
Up to a maximum of 2 consultations. |
Including all treatment & care received after the covered person has been in a persistent vegetative state for a period of eight consecutive weeks due to an illness or injury. |
Kidney dialysis of up to 4 weeks if this is needed immediately before or after a kidney transplant operation covered by the policy or if this is needed temporarily for sudden kidney failure resulting from a disease or injury, covered by the policy. |
A waiting period of 24 months applies. |
THB 1,600,000 life- time limit | THB 2,400,000 life- time limit | THB 3,200,000 life- time limit |
Up to 30 days in a recognised psychiatric unit of a hospital. |
Up to a maximum of 10 consultations. |
Includes cover for one consultation regarding the results. |
When they relate to any surgery or in-patient treatment that the company is paying for under the terms of this policy. |
For an acute condition, up to a maximum of 10 sessions. A doctor's referral letter is required if more sessions are required after the initial 10 sessions. |
Cover is limited to the maximum number of sessions shown per policy year. |
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) received when the covered person is diagnosed with premature ovarian failure i.e. loss of ovarian function, before the age of 40 and where the HRT has been prescribed by a medical doctor. Treatment is only covered for a maximum of 12 months from the date of diagnosis. |
Cover is limited to the maximum number of sessions shown opposite per policy year. |
Monitoring and maintenance by a medical doctor only. |
Up to 12 weeks per medical condition. |
A waiting period of 6 months applies. |
Routine vaccinations and developmental check-ups. The 12 month waiting period does not apply to children born to a person covered by the Gold plan for at least 12 months, provided they are added to the same policy within the first 28 days of life. |
For accidental injury to natural teeth, provided treatment is received within 72 hours of the accident. This benefit excludes cover for injuries arising from biting. |
Screening twice per year (e.g. the assessment of diseased, missing & filled teeth, including x-rays where necessary) preventative scaling, polishing & sealing twice per year, fillings (standard amalgam or composite fillings only), extractions and root canal treatment. A waiting period of 6 months applies. |
Virus must have been contracted after the date of entry to the plan. Cover is limited to 5 years & a waiting period of 24 months applies. |
Includes cover for congenital conditions whether that condition has been diagnosed as chronic or not, palliative treatment and care for a congenital condition that is diagnosed as terminal, and treatment for any related medical conditions, provided that the covered person had no signs or symptoms of the congenital condition prior to his or her date of entry, and that the congenital abnormality was diagnosed after his or her date of entry. |
This benefit excludes all childbirth costs. A waiting period of 280 days applies. |
Surgeons' fees, anaesthetists' fees, theatre fees, and any necessary additional nights of accommodation. A waiting period of 280 days applies. |
A waiting period of 280 days applies. |
Cover for the first 90 days of life. The limit shown opposite applies per pregnancy, not per child. A waiting period of 280 days applies. |
If a covered person (or any child covered by the newborn benefit within its first 90 days of life) has a life-threatening or limb-threatening condition covered by the policy, which requires immediate treatment that cannot be adequately provided locally, the assistance service will arrange for the covered person to be moved by air and/or by surface transportation, to the nearest hospital within the covered person's area of cover where appropriate medical treatment is available. The company will pay for the reasonable and customary cost of the evacuation. Other costs, such as hotel accommodation, are not covered under this benefit. Emergency evacuation or repatriation to the USA is not covered. The assistance service retains the absolute right to decide whether the covered person's medical condition is eligible for evacuation, where the covered person shall be evacuated to, and the means and method of the evacuation. |
The cost of an economy return airfare to the covered person's country of residence following his or her emergency evacuation. |
If it is not possible for a companion to accompany the covered person on the evacuation flight, the company will pay for the companion's economy airfare on a scheduled flight (if the companion is required to stay with the covered person while he or she receives in-patient treatment, the company will pay towards the companion's hotel accommodation). |
If your companion is staying with you while you are hospitalised following your evacuation, we will pay towards the costs of their hotel accommodation up to 15 nights. |
If a close family member dies during the policy year, the company will pay for a covered person's return economy airfare to attend the funeral, provided that the travel takes place within 28 days of the death of the close family member (the waiting period for this benefit is 12 months, and there is a lifetime limit of one claim per covered person). |
The cost of repatriation of mortal remains, transported to the covered person's home country or country of residence, if he or she dies if outside his or her home country (unless a claim is made under the 'Burial or cremation' benefit). |
The cost of burial or cremation at the place where the covered person has died (unless a claim is made under the 'Repatriation of mortal remains' benefit). |
Please see the 'Personal accident benefit' section of this document (pp. 12-14) for full information of the benefit and percentage benefit payments for each type of injury. |
Please see the 'Personal accident benefit' section of this document (pp. 12-14) for full information of the benefit and percentage benefit payments for each type of injury. |
We can cover groups of 3 or more employees and can also provide cover for their families (spouses/partners and children aged 0-17 or 18-24, if in full-time education).
Contact us on +66 (0) 2695 0790, email elite.sales@premiumdirectbroker.com or use the quote request form. To help us provide the quote you need, detail the cover you require together with a list of members, including dependents, if applicable. We will provide you with a detailed proposal which will clearly explain the benefits and costs.
We make it as easy as possible to get your Elite Corporate plan set up so that your employees and their families can start to enjoy the benefits. If your company has 10+ employees and you require cover to include pre-existing conditions (Medical History Disregarded cover), you need only complete a single corporate application form. If your company has fewer than 10 employees, each employee will also need to complete a separate application form. Applications for groups of less than 10 employees need to be approved by our underwriting team. Subject to approval, we will send you terms and request payment of premium. Your cover will commence once we have received payment. Go to Documents to download the application form/forms you need.
On our group Elite Silver plan, you have the choice of adding Routine Dental Treatment or Complex Dental Treatment (waiting periods apply). You can also opt to include Routine Maternity Treatment, covering 80% of costs up to THB 320,000 or Complex Maternity (waiting periods apply), covering up to THB 640,000 for emergency C section and up to THB 1,600,000 cover for newborns and full cover for complications. These options are available only available when all members are covered by the Elite Silver plan and the option has been selected by your employer.
On our group Elite Gold plan, you have the choice of adding Complex Dental Treatment, covering 90% of costs up to THB 64,000 (waiting period applies). This is only available when all members are covered by the Elite Gold plan and the option has been selected by your employer.
Yes, we can cover all your employees, regardless of their nationality.
Yes, partners and dependent children can be included in the cover.
You can apply for members up to and including age 69 and you can renew cover every year for employees and their dependents, up to age 99, without having to provide additional medical evidence.
Once we have received your first premium installment, we will send you a welcome pack including your welcome booklet and letter, your Care Card, summary of medical network, and table of benefits.
Your members will have quick, cashless access to the best hospitals, medical facilities, and doctors in Thailand and Southeast Asia. We have direct billing arrangements with over 240 medical providers in Thailand and more than 400 throughout Southeast Asia. We recommend members to contact us on +66 (0) 2696 3600 or email elite.plans@euro-center.com so that we can advise on what medical facilities are available and near to your location. Your employees are also free to use out-of-network medical providers on a pay and claim basis, giving them greater choice of where they take their treatment.
No, claims do not affect renewal premiums.
The corporate Elite health plans are offered in the local currency of Thai Baht.
For your convenience, we offer multiple ways to pay your premium. You can pay annually, semi-annually, quarterly or monthly by bank transfer, debit card, credit card, cash or cheque. You can save up to 5% on your premium by paying annually.
We will be able to arrange cover for members worldwide, on continuous medical underwriting terms, in the vast majority of countries in the world. Under our present arrangements we would not be able to offer continuous medical underwriting terms if an employee moved to USA, Switzerland, UAE, or some countries in Africa, but we would be able to do so anywhere else in the world. These arrangements may change from time to time. So, if an employee moves to another country of residence, you just need to inform us so that we can make the necessary arrangements. Please note that if your employee is moving to a country outside their area of cover, their premium may change. We reserve the right to update residency restrictions.
Any employee can request continuation of cover without further underwriting, if the request has been submitted to us within 14 days from the date employment ceased, and the cover does not exceed the previous cover.
This depends on the Area of Cover you select.
Personal accident cover up to THB 500,000 per policy year is provided across the corporate Elite plan range. We also offer insured children THB 250,000 cover per policy year. The personal accident benefit provides a lump-sum benefit for bodily injury suffered as a result of an accident, which causes death, dismemberment, permanent loss of sight or disability.
Thaivivat Insurance Public Company Limited insures the corporate Elite health plans.
Thaivivat Insurance Public Company Limited is licensed and supervised by the Office of Insurance Commission (“OIC”)?